Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Spring and Welcome to April!

In my neck of the woods, March apparently did not learn the "in like a lion and out like a lamb" metaphor! The holiday weekend has been filled with thunderstorms which allowed me to find lots of reading and tech time. Did you know this week marks the 40th anniversary of the cell phone? I have a hard time remembering life without my cell phone. How did we keep up with our children, calendar and friends? We managed but I find the cell phone one of the most practical inventions of the 20th century. Are you smart phone users taking advantage of the Braille apps? I am currently trying out two different apps and would love to hear from you. The ability to make Braille notes on my cell phone is AWESOME!

The Food and Drug Administration approved a new diabetes drug this week. The clinical trials look promising. Many of our OIB clients struggle with diabetes management. Technology and a new generation of drugs hold promise. We are piloting a diabetes management technique using the iPad to record data and forward to the managing physician. I am pleased with results thus far and will soon invite more participants. If you are interested in this project please let me know.

WSB will be hosting a technology training on Saturday, April 6, 2013. Please register with Krystal at (501) 664-7100. This session is limited to those who have attended a previous session. We will be implementing our new podcasts. Tim has worked very hard on this and I hope everyone will take advantage of his expertise.

A special shout out to the Arkansas Council for the Blind for their generous donation to our OIB program. Their donation is being used to purchase talking watches,  Braille watches, handheld magnifiers, talking glucose monitors and count a dose units. Thanks again to a very special group of individuals!

Until tomorrow,
Dr. Janet

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