Monday, October 7, 2013

Good advice!

Subject: Article from Ladies Home Journal Seek 2013 10 01
8 Dumb things you shouldn't do with your smartphone. Rachel Shippy. Jessica Brown. Checking email at the table! talking way too loudly about your personal business! texting at the movies! do you really want to be that person? ; Do you really want to be the person who s texting at the movies? 1 Don't text or talk on your phone while you're crossing the street. We assume we don't need to explain why. 2 When you're hanging out with family or friends, put your phone in your bag. You all got together to catch up and have a few laughs, not stare at your screens, remember? You can see your phone anytime. 3 If you're with someone while you're waiting for an important call, put your phone on vibrate and turn it facedown on the table. When you do get the call, take it somewhere else. Don't make the other person sit in silence while you have a conversation. 4 Don't use an irritating or cutesy ringtone. And choose your cell phone case wisely: If yours could be mistaken for a 14-year-old girl's, it's time to invest in a classier one. 5 Avoid talking on the phone while you're paying for something or ordering at a restaurant. It's rude to the person helping you and it wastes their time. You're not the only customer! 6 Stop trying to talk on your phone while you're in an elevator. The call always drops and no one wants to listen to you repeat, Hello? Hello? Hello? Trust us, yelling won't solve the problem. 7 At the movies? Don't check your phone. The light is distracting to everyone around you. And didn't you pay, like, $12 to see the movie? For that price you could at least watch it. 8 Don't talk at top volume. Just because you're not speaking directly into the mouthpiece (unlike when you use a landline), it doesn't mean that the other person can't hear you. If the connection is bad, call the person back don't keep screaming. 

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