Saturday, January 3, 2015

Interesting, but they don't mention Arkansas

Things you didn't know about eggs 
By Dan Myers
 Published January 02, 2015 
Chicken eggs are one of the most commonly eaten foods on the planet, and also one of the most versatile. They can be fried, poached, hard-boiled, deviled, coddled, shirred, or scrambled, and are incorporated, both cooked and raw, into thousands of recipes. They're the glue that holds much of the food we eat together, from brownies to meatloaf, and on top of all that, they're delicious and nutritious. But we bet that there are some things that you didn't know about the incredibly versatile egg. 
Egg consumption statistics are mind-boggling. Every year, more than 6.6 billion dozen eggs (more than 79 billion in total) are produced in the United States, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture predicts that each American eats about 255 eggs per year - which is actually down from the 1950s, when annual egg consumption was around 400 per person. There are about 280 million egg-laying chickens in the U.S., and egg farms even have their own advocacy groups, among them the Iowa Egg Council, the Virginia Egg Council, and the New England Brown Egg Council. Bird eggs have been a valuable food source since prehistoric times, and since then eggs have been an indispensable part of global cuisine, appearing in everything from Middle Eastern shakshuka to Taiwanese oyster omelettes, from Mexican huevos rancheros to Iranian baghali ghatogh, from Italian frittatas to British kedgeree, and from Jewish matzo brei to Japanese okonomiyaki. Their uses really are infinite.
 Read on to learn a whole bunch of things you most likely didn't know about chicken eggs, from what the top egg-producing state is to what the name of that little white squiggly thing inside every raw egg is. Eggs are one of those foods that you either love or hate - some people gag at the smell of them, and others eat one for breakfast every day, like Abraham Lincoln did (fun fact) - but you have to admit, eggs are one of the most indispensable foods in existence. 
1.  The Most Common Breed of Egg-Laying Chicken is the White Leghorn
 The breed was first imported to America in 1828 from the Italian port city of Livorno; leghorn is an anglicization of the city's name. (Fans of the old Loony Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons may remember the strutting, stentorian rooster Foghorn J. Leghorn.) 
2.  Iowa is America's Top Egg-Producing State 
Nearly 15 billion eggs are produced in Iowa every year, with the egg industry employing about 8,000 workers. Other top egg-producing states include Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania.
 3.  219 Million Male Chicks are Killed by the Egg Industry Each Year 
If only female chickens lay eggs, then what happens to all the male ones? Since leghorns aren't considered viable meat producers (as opposed to broilers, which are raised exclusively for meat production), unfortunately the most obvious answer is the correct one.
 4.  One Leghorn Produces About 280 Eggs Per Year
 Leghorns are lightweight and mature quickly, and also don't brood (sit on top of the eggs and behave threateningly toward all who approach), so they're perfectly suited to egg production. Some produce up to 320 eggs per year. Hens start laying eggs at 19 weeks, and as they get older, the eggs grow in size; the largest eggs are called Jumbo (30 ounces per dozen), while the smallest are called pee-wee (15 ounces per dozen).
 5.  You'll Exceed The Recommended Daily Cholesterol Limit If You Eat Two Eggs per Day 
Each large egg contains about 186 milligrams of cholesterol, and the USDA recommends that we limit our cholesterol intake to 300 milligrams per day. 

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