Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cute article from Matilda-thanks, Johnye!

Subject: Article from Matilda Ziegler Op Ed 2013 11 11
with Bob Branco - Are We Hooked on the Computer? I wonder what would happen if, God forbid, a company's entire computer system crashed, making it unusable for hours. Would any of the clerks, secretaries or customer service workers ever think to go back to using paper on a temporary basis just so that they can continue to earn their pay during this crisis? The reason I am bringing this up is because I recently went to a facility that required me to pay a co-payment for services. I paid it in cash, and the clerk offered to give me a receipt. Because her computer was temporarily out of service, she told me that it would take a while before the receipt was printed. Wouldn't she have been better off if she simply wrote the receipt with a pen, gave it to me, and moved on with her day? Why do we all have to wait for a computer to work even though we were all taught how to write? I'm sure that in one of her drawers she has a stack of paper and a bunch of pens. Problem solved! I love computers, and I am glad that I own one. Computers make life a whole lot easier. However, if one breaks down on the job, the staff should be willing to revert to the old ways temporarily, just so that customers can be properly served. Why should I have waited 30 minutes for a printed receipt when I could have been given a handwritten one in 30 seconds? What's wrong with that? 

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