Tuesday, October 17, 2017


CandyStore.com analyzed its sales figures to find out which candies each state prefers.  

A bulk candy retailer, is pretty certain of which candies you'll be seeing on Halloween night. Using 10 years of sales data culled between 2007 and 2016 - and paying special attention to the months before Halloween - CandyStore.com has determined its best-selling Halloween candy in each of the United States. Furthermore, they've released an interactive map detailing each of the most popular Halloween candies across the nation. Take a look at the map and see if you agree: Source: CandyStore.com . HALLOWEEN CANDY HIT SHELVES IN AUGUST, AND SHOPPERS WEREN'T HAPPY It's important to note that these results don't necessarily reflect the popularity of any one candy in a given state, but rather the frequency a candy was purchased at CandyStore.com by a specific state. That said, CandyStore.com suggests that Candy Corn was the top-selling candy in six states, with a total of 504,166 pounds sold over the years. However, nothing can top Starburst as the company's most-purchased candy - and Starburst can largely thank Texas for that, has the state is responsible for ordering a total of 1,952,361 pounds. DWIGHT HOWARD CLAIMES HE ATE 5.5K CALORIES OF CANDY, DAILY, FOR 10 YEARS On the other end of the spectrum, Connecticut was the only state to prefer Almond Joy, which was also the least-purchased candy that also qualified as any state's favorite. (Only 2,457 pounds were bought.) More states with unique favorites include: Montana, with Dubble Bubble Gum; Mississippi, with 3 Musketeers, Nevada, with Hersey Kisses; Alaska, with Twix; Louisiana, with Lemonheads; and Delaware, with Life Savers.  The National Retail Federation estimates that Americans will spend $2.7 billion on Halloween candy this year alone. So we hope you like more Starburst, Texan trick-or-treaters! 

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