Friday, April 26, 2013

Promising scientific breakthroughs!

Happy weekend everyone,
I was delighted to see an article today that a possible hormone therapy may replace insulin dependency. So far, the trials have been limited to mice but the medical community is buzzing at the prospect! If this works, it is hoped that a monthly shot will create beta cells in the pancreas decreasing and possibly eliminating the need for frequent insulin injections. This would be wonderful news for so many folks. We will track this closely as it moves through the clinical trials stage. Keep your fingers crossed!

A rather odd but useful invention is the HAPIfork (as in happy fork). This gizmo supposedly monitors your food intake and vibrates to indicate that your should slow down or stop eating. This new device can be your for only $99 and has an app to record your dieting progress. I am not sure what I think about that...I have visions of a fork screaming at me!

Finally, John Rogers of the University of Illinois UC has developed an epidermal electronic which is the size of a postage stamp. This device has layers similar to skin made of synthetic material which can track heart and brain activity. The small object attaches like a temporary tattoo and can replace bulky heart monitors and also record vital signs. Wouldn't that beat the cold gel and sticky probes of an EKG?

Don't feel bad that people only think of you when they need something. Instead, feel flattered that you are a candle they light when facing darkness!

Until tomorrow,
Dr. Janet

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