Monday, April 15, 2013

Tech Tuesday

So much tech and so little time to play and experiment! I was excited to see a new iPad is in production. Apple improves theses products with each new rollout, even if it is processing improvements. I do wish the batteries had a longer life for those nights I forget to charge.

I enjoy reading about technology and my favorites are: CNet, PC Magazine, and the Monday Business section of the Democrat Gazette. The Monday edition features a tech spotlight and a weekly column called "on computers". I especially enjoy this section as it is written by seasoned folks who share our love for tech but have time and money to research it! Today, the article discussed the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the decision to expand domains by adding 1400 new endings. That is right, we will now have to remember .com, .edu, .net and 1400 more endings! Remember when we had to say ""? The www designation is now understood. So once again, we will have a learning curve.

I have been trying to learn some of the Google products. I am using google docs and have google email. Now google has a file management called google drive. I just started using it so I really haven't formed an opinion. The purpose is several people can access the same document and make changes plus you can access from anywhere. I will keep you posted. Google is most often associated with the android platform which just isn't as user friendly for folks with visual impairments as Apple products. I would love to buy a new android product and try their version of accessibility. If and when I do, you will hear all about my adventure. Meanwhile, if you are using Andriod items, please let me know what you have discover about their accessibility.
Until tomorrow,
Dr. Janet

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